The West Bengal Police Recruitment Board (WBPRB) advises the candidates appearing for preliminary examination for various posts of Kolkata Police in 2023 to change their caste, category, community or personal data. They stress that edits beyond the initial application window will not be accepted and set a deadline of 27.05.2024 for such requests to allow time for results to be prepared.
To request a change, candidates must email certain details such as recruitment drive name, application serial number and supporting documents. Emails lacking the required information will not be considered, and requests after the deadline will not be considered. Contact details are provided for further enquiries.
How to Change Kolkata Police SI Recruitment 2024 Application Form?
To revise your Kolkata Police SI Recruitment 2024 Application Form, you need to follow the instructions provided by the West Bengal Police Recruitment Board. Generally, there is a specific window during the application process where you can edit your data. If the application window closes, you will not be able to change your information. please
To change your details for Kolkata Police SI Recruitment 2023, follow these steps:
Compose an email: Open your email client and compose a new email.
Subject line: Clearly state the subject of your email as per the example provided. For example, if you are changing your category, the subject line should be “Sub: Change of Category”.
Include the required information:
- Recruitment Drive Name: Mention “Sub-Inspector/Sub-Inspector (Unarmed Branch), Sub-Inspector (Armed Branch) and Sergeant of Kolkata Police – 2023”.
- Application Number No: Enter your application serial number (eg, xxxxxxx9).
- Registered Mobile Number and E-mail ID: Provide the mobile number and email address you used during the application process (eg, xxxxxxxxx7 &
- Summary of prayer with supporting documents: Clearly explain the change you are requesting (eg, change of caste, class or community) and attach necessary supporting documents.
Check for completeness: Make sure you include all the required information as mentioned above.
send email: Once you fill all the details, send email to
Confirmation: If you have previously sent a change email and want to resend it in a specific format, do so quickly
Official Website of WBPRB — Click Here